Tuesdays do nothing for me. It's always seemed to me that every other day of the week has something going for it - Monday is the first day of the week, so it's generally sucky (at least the thought of it is - the day itself isn't really all that bad...right?). Wednesday (aka hump day) is halfway there, Thursday is nearly there plus I go out with friends and family every Thursday evening. Friday is the last day of the week so it's awesome and I can stay up later. Saturday and Sunday mean having a lie in, so what's not to like there? Tuesday doesn't really have anything like that to define it with. So I'm starting Tuesday Treats.
And for my first Tuesday treat, I have something I've loved forever, and something I've started to love recently - Easter eggs and orange truffle Baileys.
I love Easter eggs. I have recurring dreams about them. I usually dream that I'm in a shop (last time it was Claire's Accessories, which makes no sense, but then dreams never do) and it was after Easter, maybe a few days after. The shop sold loads of Easter eggs and they were all reduced since it was after the event. It's always awesome. Then I wake up and it's October or something and I'm pretty disappointed.
But aside from that, there is nothing I love more in a supermarket than when they have shelves full of Easter eggs all perfectly lined up side by side. I would insert an image here to demonstrate but I can't see one on the net that suitably shows the magnificence of rows and rows and rows of perfectly aligned boxes of chocolatey amazingness. So here's a picture of my #tuesdaytreats. Can't wait to enjoy them!
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