Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Stop adding amendments to positive thoughts

Sometimes I worry about my health, because things have gone pretty wrong in the past, and I'm scared of them going wrong again. But I seem to do this thing that probably isn't very good - when I think or hear a positive thought about it, I add a caveat on the end that makes it more negative. Not because I want to, but because I'm afraid of being wrong.

So when my partner reassures me by saying "But you're okay now, everything is fine!" my brain adds something on the end of his sentence - "at the moment", "for now", or even scarier, "as far as we know".

We've looked before at how we have control over our own happiness, and this starts with the way think. When you think of a positive thought or someone says something positive, don't add anything to it that diminishes the positivity or hope it conveys. Just let the thought stand and be what it is.

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