Friday, 9 May 2014

Timewarp: New year

Here's another instalment from my old blog, this one written on 1st January 2011. I was 23, and I'm pleased to see my way of thinking hasn't changed that much. I'm pretty happy with this entry. :)

New Year

New Year has got me thinking.

Hello, by the way. I know I haven’t posted anything in a really long time. It’s been a bad year, health-wise, and I’ll say no more than that because I don’t want to get bogged down. There’s more to come, but I think the worst is over. I hope so, anyway.

I don’t really bother too much about New Year’s Eve. I normally do something with friends, usually at someone’s house, nothing more than an evening in, but I think it’s just another day really, that clock ticking over into the morning is just another second of our lives, another second of the year. Big deal. And it’s true. But when it turned midnight, I did feel that sense that it’s a new year, a new start, a new slate. Sort of cliché, but a little inspiring.  It’s all a state of mind though really, isn’t it? It’s not as if anything has changed significantly within that second. It’s just that our view on the world has changed. The world hasn’t really changed.

But the world has changed a little in that second, hasn’t it? Everything is always changing, nothing is permanent. Everything is ever so slightly different – our bodies, the room we’re in, the creases in the sofa we sit on, the dust on the table when we set a drink down, we’ve breathed in oxygen and breathed out carbon dioxide, we’ve blinked so the state of our eyes has even changed. We’ve moved our foot because we were uncomfortable with it in that position. All these tiny things. And it occurred to me today that it’s because the world around us is constantly changing that we need to find consistency within ourselves and keep a clear mind. You know when things are hard sometimes, you look for the one thing that’s always constant, like a friend to talk to or music to listen to or movies to distract us? Well, why can’t we find that consistency within ourselves? Why can’t our minds be the one thing we can rely on when the ride gets a bit rough? I know it sounds like something that’s difficult to achieve, but I think that’s what we should be striving for. I mean, when there’s chaos all around us, we must make it ten times worse for ourselves because our minds are so chaotic and we’re stressed, maybe we’re thinking irrationally and letting things get on top of us. Wouldn’t it be brilliant if we could make our minds a safe place that’s always calm no matter what’s going on around us? Maybe that’s a good new year’s resolution.

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