Sunday 6 July 2014

How to be happy at work

Business Insider has a few interesting tips for being happier at work, from finding meaning in what you do to taking your time and stressing less. Some pretty useful stuff!

I'd like to add a few of my own:

1. Have a little treat at work
In my office there is frequent cake. We even have a dedicated "cake table" where we put biscuits, chocolate, and other assorted goodies, including pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and our Christmas feast. It breaks up the day and gives people something to look forward too - a bit of a boost.

2. ...But not too many treats!
I try to abstain on occasion because if I indulged every time I'd just feel guilty, and I do like to sort of pretend I'm watching my weight a little bit.

3. Sit comfortably
Chairs matter. Bad posture is why I go for massages. Massages are happy; good chairs and sitting up straight are happy, too.

4. Considering priorities
Not just your own priorities, but other people's. This is helpful if you're a bit impatient like I am and want everything to be done immediately. Other people's priorities are different to yours. It's just a good thing to bear in mind when you need stuff to be done - they might have something higher up on their list even if the task in question is the first thing on yours.

5. Be yourself
For me at least, it can be hard to find work clothes I feel comfortable in. I just don't feel like myself if I'm not in jeans and hoodies or t-shirts. But I bought a couple of new tops the other day that I could wear at work or at home - I wore one for work today and kept it on once I got home. I'm still wearing it now; if I don't throw it off as soon as I walk through the door, it's definitely a feel-good top. And I feel happier when I feel like myself and not restricted or having to wear things I don't like.

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