Sunday, 9 February 2014

100 Happy Days

A new challenge has arisen in the form of I haven't tried this yet but it sounds like a pretty cool idea - for 100 days, take a picture of something that made you happy that day. It sounds like a great way to get into the habit of being happy, of finding things to be grateful for. Think of it as training yourself to be happy - happiness just takes practice, and as soon as we start looking for it, the sooner we'll find it and the easier it will be to see. Or at least, that's my theory!

So what made you happy today? This might be a difficult question if you haven't had a very good day, but if you think hard enough you may be able to find something, even if it's just getting home or into bed at the end of it all. Even if you don't take the 100 Happy Days challenge, take a little time at the end of each day to think about something good that happened. If you write it down, that's even better as you'll have a reminder of good things to read if you're feeling down.

You may find you've actually had a lot to be happy about some days, and struggle to pick just one thing to write down or take a picture of!

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