Thursday, 13 February 2014

New Year's Resolutions

New year's resolutions are for the whole year - that's why they're called new year resolutions! - so why do we make them in January, have a bit of a go for a couple of weeks and then forget about it all for the next twelve months - or is that just me?

My resolution this year was to learn Swedish, which to my own amazement I'm still dead set on! I think it should be more widely promoted to check on our resolutions maybe halfway through the year, or even every three months or so, so they don't fall by the wayside.

But for now, here's your resolution check-up: Did you make any resolutions this year, and are you still working on them? If so, are there any ways you could improve your efforts? If you've stopped, why? What will it take to make you start again? There's still over eleven months left of the year, so if you haven't succeeded in your plans yet, you've got plenty of time to do yourself proud and make it work. Good luck - or as they say in Sweden, lycka till!

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