Friday, 28 February 2014

Have a scheduled outburst

What on earth is a scheduled outburst, you might ask?

Well, if you have something that is playing on your mind long-term, making you anxious and trying to take over your mind all the time, this could be good for you.

Choose a time once a week, or once a day if you feel it necessary, when you "schedule in" time to think about, talk about or write about what's troubling you. Talk to someone close to you, talk to yourself if you have to, or write your thoughts down in a journal. This is your allocated time.

The rest of your time is not for dedicating to your problem or worries. That time is for living, and thinking about other, regular day-to-day things as much as you can. If you catch yourself thinking too deeply about it or talking about it outside of the hour or so you allocate it, put it to one side and tell yourself you'll think about it later. Remember how when you were a kid in class you used to sit in a circle and only the child who was holding the talking stick/bouncy ball/teddy bear was allowed to talk? It's like that.

I can't take credit for this idea, unfortunately. I read it in this book, which has proved to be really useful for me. Let me know if you find scheduled outbursts work for you!

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