Monday, 3 February 2014

Remember to be happy

This may sound really silly and obvious, but if you want to be happy, you need to remember to be happy.

We can get so wrapped up in life - in work and careers, in our daily monotony, and countless other things that we have to deal with - that we don't often stop and think "am I happy?"

We should question these things more. I love Buddhism, and you'll see a lot of that in this blog, and the reason I love it is because instead of just saying "this is what's true, and you should believe it because I've said it", Buddha encouraged people to think for themselves, to take teachings and decide whether or not they thought them to be correct and applicable to their own lives and understanding. I think that also applies here - don't just go through the motions and accept life as it is - ask yourself the question. Are you happy? And if not, why not?

Analyse. What would make you feel happier? If you're in a job you don't like, change it. If you aren't happy in your relationship, try to improve it. Don't settle for your current career just because "everyone hates their job". For one thing, that's not true. Just because it may be difficult to make a positive change, doesn't mean it's impossible. Sure, people don't tend to like working, but that doesn't mean you should just not bother looking for something else if you're not happy. Don't settle, and don't give up. Make a positive change. Namaste.

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