Saturday, 15 February 2014

Thoughts aren't facts

Something that helps me chill out sometimes is to remind myself of something I once read - thoughts aren't facts.

The next time you have a panic or sudden worry about something, think about that - thoughts aren't facts. They're just thoughts. Just because something pops into your head doesn't mean it's true. Your brain may be conjuring up nonsense, because let's face it, sometimes are brains aren't very helpful towards us. So when it throws up a worrying thought, don't mount it and ride it like a wild horse until it throws you into a ditch. Just watch it. Observe it, and acknowledge how it makes you feel, and be mindful. You don't need to do anything more than that. Because if you just watch it and don't engage it, that wild horse will keep on running until it disappears into the distance.

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