Saturday, 1 February 2014

"I'll be happy when this is over"

Hello! Welcome to my blog, all about happiness - how we can attain it, what makes us happy, having a calm and peaceful mind, and hopefully some inspiration.

I thought I'd start with a post about something that has been on my mind lately - have you ever said or heard anyone else say "I'll be happy when this is over"? I've caught myself thinking it a few times, and I've realised it's a bit of a weird thing to say, isn't it? I mean, the way it's phrased makes it sound like a choice - "I'm not happy now, but rather than try to change it, I refuse to be happy until after this particular event". There is definitely an argument for happiness being a choice rather than not, but more on that later. It just seems like a strange thing to say - "I'll be happy when this is over".

The last couple of times I've caught myself saying it I've thought to myself "well, why not be happy now?" Sometimes I say it because something unpleasant is about to happen, but maybe it hasn't actually happened yet. So I think to myself, am I not happy right now, right in this moment? Sitting here on this chair, just thinking about things that are going to happen but are not directly affecting me right now? Am I in pain or uncomfortable? Is something unpleasant happening right at this very moment? If not, I try to hold on to that thought, and think about being in the moment. This is called being mindful - more on that later, too.

I know just telling yourself not to be unhappy or worry is not as easy as it sounds. But as with all things, it will get easier with practice. And if the answer to the question "is something unpleasant happening right at this very moment?" is yes, well, just know you can ride it out. Nothing lasts forever. Stay positive. Namaste.

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