Sunday, 23 February 2014

One step at a time

I have a 40 minute commute to work every day from my boyfriend's house, and while I could go straight from our town to the town my work is in, I instead take a different route (which is near enough the same distance) from our town, to the town where my parents live, to the town I work in. I quite like it because it feels like my journey is split into two or three different parts, and I know the route so well from long before I started working where I do.

But sometimes when I'm still in the first town and moving towards the second, I think about the fact that I still have quite a way to drive before I get to work, and the thought of the distance left makes me groan inwardly a bit. So I try not to think about it and banish the thought from my mind.

And I think you can apply that to anything that takes ages, or is routine, or you can't be bothered to do. Because thinking about what you have to do next triggers an "ugh" reaction. Stay in the moment and concentrate on what you're doing right now, and you're more likely to be an ugh-free zone.

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